Embarking on the Great Loop: Our Family’s Journey and Why I’m Here to Guide You

Apr 03, 2024

Have you ever dreamed of embarking on a life-changing adventure with your family?

My name is Alison, and I’m the founder of Loop Life Academy. With my husband Chris and two amazing kids, we’ve embarked on an incredible journey – the Great Loop.

Like many of you, Chris and I used to unwind after long days of work and parenting with Netflix and YouTube. One day, we stumbled upon sailing channels and thought, “Wouldn’t it be amazing to live on a boat and travel the world?” Considering our young kids, sailing out on the ocean seemed daunting. However, I discovered a series of videos about the canals in France on the Distant Shores YouTube channel. That’s when the spark ignited, and I started looking for inland cruising options closer to home.

Initially, Chris was focused on the big dream of ocean sailing and was hesitant about America's Great Loop. It took some convincing and a career shift for him to see the potential. He transitioned to working for himself as a landscape photographer, allowing us to live and work from anywhere since my career was already remote-based. The pieces fell into place, turning the dream of the Great Loop into a tangible plan.

We’ve been living on our boat and Looping for nearly one year. From our shakedown cruising to our official starting point in Norfolk, VA, every step has been a learning experience filled with excitement and challenges.

With over a decade of remote work experience as a software engineer, technical lead, and engineering manager, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities of working and living remotely. I also teach computer science graduate students about software architecture, adding an educational aspect to my expertise.

Many families dream of the Great Loop but feel like they need to wait for the right time. I’m here to tell you that the right time is now. Through our journey, we’ve seen how this adventure isn’t just for adults; it’s also a transformative experience for kids. The learning opportunities are endless, from diverse ecosystems to historical sites and meeting incredible people.

If you'd like to continue to learn more about our experience and what Loop Life is like for a family, subscribe to our weekly newsletter below and check out our YouTube channel, @LoopLifeAcademy.

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