Find Interesting Reads Along America's Great Loop

great loop books May 03, 2024

My family and I love to read, and I've found that as we travel along America's Great Loop, books can become even more immersive and our imaginations more vivid when we explore and see the different areas in which they take place. Both fictional and nonfictional books set in the areas we travel to are great ways to learn about the areas we explore.

To encourage reading and learning along your Great Loop Journey, we've begun collecting titles for all ages, both fiction and nonfiction, to help you discover fun and interesting reads.

You can find our recommendations (we're always adding more!) at our "Books" page in the site navigation up at the top of the screen, or by going here: Great Loop Recommended Books.

We also will occasionally feature some of these books in blog posts and videos.

If you like to live life a bit more spontaneously, you can usually find books that feature the local area in several interesting ways, described below:

Local Libraries

Libraries often feature entire sections of books that are dedicated to their state or the surrounding areas. You'll find history, children's books, fiction, and non-fiction.

If the library you're in doesn't have an obvious display, ask the librarians! They are a wealth of knowledge and would be happy to share their favorites or recommendations that meet your needs.

Below are some books that a library in the Florida Keys had out that featured all kinds of interesting information for us to dive into!

Local Bookstores

Bookstores, both new and used, are a great way to find books based in an area or from local authors! Many bookshops, especially independently run stores, often have displays featuring their local area. You'll find locals are usually proud of where they live and love to share interesting facts and stories.

Ask the staff for recommendations. They are there because they love books and can be incredibly helpful!

Museum & National Park Gift Shops

Gift shops are PERFECT for finding local books. Yes, they often sell books about the museum's art or whatever is being featured, but gift shops, especially in National Parks, will often have books that share interesting history and facts for readers of a variety of ages. You should take a look the next time you're in a gift shop for ideas or a quick purchase!

Below are a few of the books that were available in Fort Jefferson on the Dry Tortugas, and you can see they have options for all age groups that cover some of Florida's rich history.

However you find and read books, I hope you enjoy some great reads along the way! Please reach out to us and tell us your favorite books to read along America's Great Loop, we'd love to hear about them!

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