Book Recommendation: Battleship Marine

great loop books Apr 11, 2024

While visiting Norfolk, Virginia, consider reading the book BattleShip Marine: A Combat History of the USS Wisconsin in Desert Storm. This is a personal, first-person account from a marine who served in the last detachment on the last battleship the U.S. put to sea, the USS Wisconsin BB-64.

The book doesn't use military terminology and provides an eyewitness account of the ship's deployment from Norfolk, Virginia. This WWII battleship played a decisive role during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

The book is available on Kindle and is brief at only 74 pages. Kindle books can be read on any device using the Kindle Cloud Reader.

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We highly recommend sitting down with this book some evening before you tour the USS Wisconsin to gain insight into just a sliver of BB-64's history.



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